Appshopper review

appshopper screenshotThis is a review of the iPhone/iPad application Appshopper.

I am only recently a convert to the iPhone. My first exposure to iOS was with the iPad and the whole “apps for everything” was something I had to get used to. Since I am not a fan of iTunes, I needed something to help me learn about new apps. One of my first applications was Appshopper.

Appshopper catgeorizes all the new Apps that are in the App Store. I am unsure how it does this, but it is very, very good at it. You can select to view new apps by cost, type of update, category and most popular. If you create an account with Appshopper you can track the applications you own and the owns you want.

What I have found to be invaluable are three things:

  1. Link to app store: When you read about the new apps you can snag them right away through the app. It opens up the app store and away you go.
  2. Pricing history: You can see how long the app has been on the store and the price changes.
  3. Quick updates: It seems that the app updates constantly, which means you never miss anything.

The only suggestion I can make is the ability to filter by language.

If you’re looking for an app that allows you to track everything new, this is it.

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