Atkins is pretty much a shell of what they used to be. A full line of food product has been whittled down to the basics. The neat thing is that they keep introducing new items and the Day Break Blueberry Almond Baked Squares are just that.
When you look at low carb nutrition or meal replacement bars, it’s hard to find something that isn’t chocolate based. This is due to the fact chocolate is easy to make low carb and sugar free. Fruit? Not so much.
Atkins has finally found a way to introduce fruit into a low carb meal replacement bar and it is delicious. Stunningly good. The bars are on the smallish side, but they are packed with absolute flavor. The almond flavor isn’t over powering and is an excellent complement to the blueberries.
Atkins has a winner with this meal replacement bar. Let’s hope they keep them in production for a while.