Fresh Express Shreds! Review

This is a review of Fresh Express Shreds!, pre-shredded lettuce.

I am a huge fan of salads and lettuce in general. My tastes don’t go for the hoity-toity of “greens” or things that look like they were picked out of a back alley. Nope, I prefer the good old-fashioned iceberg lettuce. Since I like lettuce on my wraps and sandwiches, too, Fresh Express Shreds! is perfect for me.

What is Fresh Express Shreds!

Fresh Express Shreds Review Photo

It is iceberg lettuce that is pre-shredded for your enjoyment in salads or on sandwiches/wraps. Shreds! comes in two sizes … individual and family and can be found in the prepackaged lettuce section of your grocer’s produce section.

Packed in a plastic bag, the top is created so you can use it to hold down the rest of the bag after rolling it up. This keeps the lettuce fresher.

What you’ll like about Fresh Express Shreds!

There are a few things:

Time savings – You save time by purchasing the lettuce pre-shredded. How much time? Well, it depends on how talented you are with a knife and how much your enjoy your fingers. Seriously, it rocks being able to by shredded lettuce for sandwiches.

No filler – One of the problems with other shredded lettuce is that they include the runts of the lettuce head almost exclusively. By runts I mean that hard knob sort of thing at the bottom at the lower leaves. If Shreds! includes these you’ll never notice.

Freshness – It tastes crisp and flavorful, well, as flavorful as iceberg lettuce gets. Really, they have figured out a way to keep it all fresh.

What you won’t like about Fresh Express Shreds!

Price – You pay for convenience and if Shreds! is at a normal price it is expensive. The small bag will run you $1.89 if not on sale, which could be pricey. When on sale you can get the small bag for $1, which is more reasonable. If you’re looking to save time it is worth it.

Convenient, clean and fresh is all you can ask for when it comes to lettuce and Fresh Express delivers with Shreds!.

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