Review of Stouffer’s Turkey Tetrazzini

This is a review of Stouffer’s Turkey Tetrazzini.

Growing up the treat for movie night was Stouffer’s the red box meant it was time to have fun and enjoy a good meal. Throughout the years I’ve wondered between frozen meals, but always come back to Stouffer’s as the quick and easy comfort food you sometimes need.

You can roll through all the great meals they have, but for me the perfect one is Turkey Tetrazzini, a Signature Classic. For some reason the online dictionary doesn’t recognize the word Tetrazzini, which is a shame. It is a meal created for a famous opera singer and can be made with many types of meat. Stouffer’s uses white meat turkey in theirs.

The base is a creamy white sauce with mushrooms and crunchy celery. Yes, crunchy. I have no idea how they keep it crunchy, but it really makes the dish. Toss in pasta and what I think is a bread crumb topping and you have the perfect meal.

Stouffer's Turkey Tetrazzini Review

Some tips for enjoying the turkey tetrazzini:

  1. Let is Set: After cooking finishes let it set for a few minutes. The sauce stiffens up and the breadcrumbs become toastier.
  2. Crushed Pepper: If you have a way of crushing some pepper, we use a cheap pepper mill, add that to the tetrazzini when finished cooking.
  3. Mix It All Up: Once set and pepper added, mix it all up.

Stouffer’s is long known for their quality with comfort food and they don’t miss with the turkey tetrazzini.

If you’re looking for a solid dinner and want to enjoy yourself, grab the Stouffer’s Turkey Tetrazzini.

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