Brother White Movie Review

This is a review of the movie Brother White.

Netflix is an awesome service for people who like movies. I mean, really like movies. They’ve worked out deals with a ton of content providers, so you never know what you’re going to get. This is the case with Brother White. Reading the description and looking at the cover, I expected a comedy. It is a Christian movie.

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The Traveler Movie Review

This is a review of the movie The Traveler.

Val Kilmer has entered the realm of starring in any movie that will pay him. Lots of actors end up in this realm, but Kilmer has really made it his business. The Traveler is one of the later movies for Kilmer to take a paycheck for.

It is rated R horror movie with some tinges of thriller thrown in. Running a little under an hour and a half, it plays quickly and will keep your attention.

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The Ten Commandments Movie Review

the-ten-commandments-review-photoThis is a review of the movie The Ten Commandments.

I love Charlton Heston in movies. Even towards the end of his career he could bring a presence to the screen that very few actors could match. He brought the same presence to The Ten Commandments, the Cecil B. DeMille mega picture from 1956.

We’re spoiled today with all the special effects that instantly transport us to another time and place. In 1956 this wasn’t an easy goal, but they made it happen. The cast alone features:

  • Charlton Heston
  • Yul Brynner
  • Edward J. Robinson
  • Vincent Price
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The Day After Movie Review

This is a review of the movie The Day After.

Growing up in the 1980s you were very aware of the Soviet Union’s desire to wipe you out. At any moment ICBMs could rain down and end your existence. The thought of a nuclear attack always seemed unreal, but very possible. In later years it became clear that the world came closer than anyone knew to a total nuclear war.

In 1983 ABC produced and broadcast a movie dealing with the devastating effects of a nuclear explosion in the midwest. Titled The Day After, the movie takes place in Kansas City and Lawrence, KS.

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Quarantine 2: Terminal Movie Review

This is a review of the movie Quarantine 2: Terminal.

I love zombie movies, so it was no surprise I liked Quarantine 2: Terminal. The movie is an extension to the original Quarantine movie … sort of a “this is the next step” sort of thing. It was a direct to video release, so not many people saw it. It’s a shame in case you like zombies.

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